Whois your immortal 2

Please comment this means alot to me!!! If you like the quiz recomend it to your friends. Thanks.... Love ya.... Oh and I can take critisisome. Sorry about the spelling errors!!! :+)

Oh and if its really bad take piti on me and commmmmmmment pleeaaaase. No more to write enjoy your self . :-] :P =D. Aaron. Dark mysterious. Black hair hazel grey eyes. Ezeiel---smart---brown hair---purple blue eyes---Richard---bleech blonde---emerald eyes---Rex----bad boy---dirty blonde---Saphire eyes--

Created by: Natsha
  1. //back to where we are//...You wake up to find all these wires attached to you. "Here BP and EKG is stable and normal." You recognise Ezekiel's voice. Then you can feel a frosy hand on your face and your looking at Aarons grey hazel eyes. You were the stage- all guys looking at you and Aarons the spot light!
  2. "Are you okay there babe." You blink and Aaron is at the corner of the room. Now Richerd is helping you up. "What is goin on." Throbbing pain shoots through your head. "Maybe she should sit" sugests Rex. You take a seat but Aaron is still keeping a distance...."Look----- long story short every one in this room has super powers...
  3. :) err lets just say they dont think your completly insane and yur slashing out because your 1/2 human. "Dont worry you're still 1/2 human!! "oh o the world is a better place." you say. Look darling. We dont know what your powers are.. so dont move your hands, act affraid or be angry. For the sake of all of us cos you are really powerfull!!
  4. "Now would be the perfect time to tell her about the awkward situation we are all in." Aarons grammar was spot on. His voice was low and cold. as he whispers those words from a distance
  5. "Aahh Rex!" Aaron shouted. Rex pushed up your head and pressed your shouler agaianst the floor. This all took a second and your completely shocked. "Pls darling. Avoid having any sudden emotions." Ezekielsounde worried (you are still confused.) "This doesnt hurt but it is still harasment.And how do you know how I feel." You answer Ezekiel. You turn to look at Rex who is slightly likeing the fact that he is over you! He flashes you a smile and you cant help but return it! "I posses the power of empathy." Aaron replies.
  6. "I need proof and is that why your keeping your distance?" "Yes thats one of the reasons.?" "what's the other?" "Just stay very still no sudden emotions okay ----." You here rex's voice and he helps you up. "very still." Rex murmurs against your jaw."
  7. CA THUMP...CA THUMP... your heart beats ferotiously but you mange to stay completely still. Richard and Ezekiel join your side. Rex stands infront f you with his arm secured around your waist. He trys to calm you down. (your all silent-you dont know what is happening). Aaron heads for the balcony (outside the room). but he stops. His jaw drops, he looks up and sniffs the air. Aaron peers at you through the side of his eyes. The flickering Hazel was replaced by ruby rood and the creamy grey ares were now pitch black. He lured you in...you couldnt help yourself. You wanted to get closer.........
  8. Ezekiel stepped forward. Rex held you tighter. "No Aaron no" exclaimed Ezekiel through his clenched teeth. The purplish blue colours of his irises swirled like a liquid in a jar. "Ezekiel it isnt working." Shouts Richard. Everything is happening way to fast. You look deep into Rex's eyes as he trys to calm you down. "Time for plan B." You turn to see Richard. Huge white fluffy wings apeared behind his back. His shirt ripped right off. And you are completely mesmorised. Richard is glowing like a light bulb! He sweeps you off your feet. A second pases in a flash an you can see the sparkling lake benethe you...
  9. And sooooooo far you like......
  10. Then you............................... CLIFF HANGER HA

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Quiz topic: Whois my immortal 2