Who you are to the Harry Potter characters. Long results!

I DID THIS DURING MY CLASS, so SUPER sorry if its bad.It's a pretty basic quiz, so i hope you like it and are happy with your results! If theres anything you weren't happy about, just comment it, and i may be able to fix some stuff up! ENJOY

Whenever i search this type of stuff up, you can only ever get such a small amount of results. I decided to make one of these, for the people out there, who spend ages trying to look for a decent quiz

Created by: sue
  1. What house are you in?
  2. Which harry potter character would you rather date?
  3. What hair colour do you have? (if you didn't dye it if you did. Natrual hair colour)
  4. What personality would you say describes you most?
  5. what is at the core of your wand?
  6. What do you think of this quiz so far?
  7. who is your favourite teacher?
  8. Do you take intrest in..
  9. If you could meet any avenger, who would it be?

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