Who would you take to the Yule Ball

I am a lonely little walrus and want a date to the Yule ball. I will be much sad if I don't get who I want but I am an good walrus so I won't cheat. :)

We is back for paragraph 2. Looks like this is required so we just be chilling. Feel free to not read it and just skip ahead like most people in the world.

Created by: Walrus lover 47
  1. Who do you want to take?
  2. Press yes if you have high self esteem
  3. We still here homies
  4. Did you watch spongebob
  5. Are you an andrea Perry superfan?
  6. What are you going to wear to the Yule ball
  7. How many hours of sleep are you planning to get the night of the ball
  8. Which hp book is the best
  9. Do you drive
  10. Hey

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