Who would you be on z-day?

There are many z-day survivors, all with different strategies. But what is yours?

Do you have what it takes to qualify for z-day?

Created by: Peter
  1. Scenario: You are being chased by a horde of zombies. You come to some vehicles. Which one do you pick?
  2. You decide to make an HQ. Which location is ideal?
  3. You come to a store, but you can only hold three items. Which do you chose?
  4. You come to a survivor. What do you do?
  5. How are you liking the test? (Effects outcome)
  6. How are you liking the test?
  7. What is ur IQ?
  8. Which characteristic best describes you?
  9. The last question, #10, was a trick question.
  10. How would you rate my quiz?

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