Who Would You Be in MHA?

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Hi this is my personal way of getting out to the MHA and BNHA fandom. I hope you like my test and feel free to comment on it its for every one so yeah .

Hi this is my first test plz don't hate it that much I hope you like who you got. I tried to be reasonable with how I know people are going to react to this test.

Created by: gwynn
  1. Are you kind
  2. Are you a hot head?
  3. Are you mostly calm but a hot head when needed?
  4. Gender
  5. Who do you think your most like BE HONEST?
  6. Class 1A or 1B or 1C for anime watchers but you can still pick.
  7. Pick a pro hero quirk will be stated beside each pro hero and teacher.
  8. Which villain quirk would you have villain name with quirk?
  9. No effect do you watch the anime.
  10. What do you ship?

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