Who Would You Be In Alice in Wonderland

There is now a movie based on Lewis Carols, "Alice in Wonderland". With one of my favorite actors, Johnny Depp. You can also base the quiz on the original movie or story.

But which Alice in Wonderland character are you? Take this quiz and find out.

Created by: Beatles326
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do/did you pay attention in school?
  2. Do you randomly start dancing a lot?
  3. do you drink tea?
  4. Do you need help being satisfied?
  5. Do you have these feelings when you can see the future?
  6. Do you space out at all?
  7. Do you enjoy reading books about madness?
  8. Which character do you want to get on this quiz?
  9. (These next questions will not effect your score) Did you like this quiz?
  10. Should I make more quizzes?

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