Who would you be in a book or movie?

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This quiz will tell you if you would be the protagonist, the antagonist, the love interest, the comedic relief, the confidant, or the side character in a book or movie.

Remember though, this isn't completely accurate, it's just for fun. I hope you like your results and don't get stuck with a side character or something...

Created by: reverie
  1. What do you think is one of your best traits?
  2. What's your favorite movie/book genre?
  3. If you saw someone who you hated getting beat up, what would you do?
  4. How do you feel about your friends?
  5. Have you ever been bullied?
  6. Do you have a good relationship with your parent(s)?
  7. Are you introverted or extroverted?
  8. How do you feel about people in general?
  9. Which of these songs would you want to listen to/have listened to and liked?
  10. How do you feel about little kids?

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