Who would you be friends with in The Heroes of Olympus

Hi this quiz is to see who on the Argoll (except Frank) would be your friend and if you have 0 friends then thats just sad bro if u do then thats good

This quiz may not be completely accurate and if its not plz don't sue me its only my first quiz and i hope you get who you want.Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Created by: Team Leo FTW of All the Tests
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where's your ideal place to be currrently ?
  2. Pick a weopon
  3. Who's your godly parent/favourite god
  4. Gender bros
  5. Who would you date out of the seven (except Frank)
  6. Favourite HOO book
  7. Who do you ship most?
  8. Who do you wan't to get (TR0LL AL3RT)
  9. Ignore the first 2 questions they're glitches
  10. Whats your ideal job?

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