who would be your MHA ride or die(boy addition)

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this is just a fun quiz so don't take it to heart also I changed some of it last second so sorry for that but I hope you enjoy with lots of love and I hope the weebs enjoy

I hope you weebs can enjoys my hard work and enjoy have fun!! enjoy yourself There is one sad question so I hope it doesn't hit you too hard please enjoy

Created by: Miahwilson
  1. how would you two hang out?
  2. how far will you go for him?
  3. who do you hope it is?
  4. which squad do you like better?
  5. what is the opposite of your personality
  6. would you push yourself to the max for him?
  7. how would you joke?
  8. would you leave them to protect them?
  9. who's your fav MHA girl?
  10. LAST QUESTION: which class is better?

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Quiz topic: Who would be my MHA ride or die(boy addition)
