who will your emo bf be?

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There are soooo many girls wondering and looking for the right quiz so i made one just for you here you are take it and you will like your outcome of this quiz.

JUst taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake it its awsome you know you wanna and dont forget to rate this quiz and tell your friends all about it shared this on facebook and twitter.

Created by: Jade Lopez
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. wats your hair color
  2. fav animal
  3. how emo are you
  4. how many friends do you have
  5. fav color
  6. fav tv show
  7. fav movie
  8. fav anime
  9. why are you takeing this quiz
  10. how much did you like this quiz (does not affect your out come)

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Quiz topic: Who will Ir emo bf be?