Who will you fall for?

There are three boys. There are Aaron, Mike, and Danny. I think Mike is the cutest. But if you take this quiz you will find out who you will marry! Just please take this quiz!

There are three boys. There are Aaron, Mike, and Danny. I think mike is the cutest. But if you take this quiz you will find out who you will marry! Just please take this quiz!

Created by: Ariana

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you like more?
  2. What color of hair do you have?
  3. What color eyes do you have?
  4. You are in the park and it's dark out. A boy named Aaron comes and he thinks your attractive what do you think of him?
  5. You start making out. Then another boy comes. He thinks you cute what do you do?
  6. Then another boy comes. His name is Danny. He thinks your hot! What do you do?
  7. Who do you want to marry?
  8. Who do you THINK your going to marry?
  9. What is your favorite fruit?
  10. What is your favorite color?
  11. Are you fat?
  12. Are you skinny?

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Quiz topic: Who will I fall for?