Who will be your enemy?

This quiz will reveal how sociable you are and how many enemies you have. Your results will show you your real 'me' and personality. Therefore, if you have bad result, look at yourself and change it.

If you do this with your friends, the friendship may be stronger. Your friends will know and be pathetic, so they will hopefully help you be better and more outgoing.

Created by: Nguyen Dinh Tung
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. Do you often help your friends whenever they need?
  5. How often do you argue?
  6. Do you tease your friends?
  7. If your friends do bad or illegal things, what will you do?
  8. Have you EVER hurt other feelings?
  9. How many enemies do you have now?
  10. If you had a wish, what would you wish?

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Quiz topic: Who will be my enemy?
