Who were You in a Past Life?

Reincarnation is a belief that once you die, you will become someone or something else, to redo your life over again, with no memories of your past life.

Were you once reincarnated? Or have you been several different people over the years? Take this quiz to find out who you were and where you are from... from the past.

Created by: jmdvorkin
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your worst quality?
  3. What is your element?
  4. What would you rather wear?
  5. How long do you wish your hair was?
  6. What do you mostly eat?
  7. What are you most proud of?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. Continued question: What is your favorite color?
  10. How good are you with technology?

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