Who Should Boyfriend ?

This quiz is about who is the perfect boy or guy for you. I hope everything on this quiz will help you get one.i hope you like to take this quiz!!!!!!

are you going to qualify to have a boyfriend or not? Well let's see about that? I hope you will always enjoy my quizzes that i make for everybody that gets on.

Created by: Mariah
  1. How old are you?
  2. Who do you think is hottest?
  3. What color eyes are your dream eyes?
  4. What is ur dream date?
  5. What flower would u like to recieve?
  6. What shape of face do u have?
  7. What color hair do u want?
  8. What kind of boyfriend do u want to have?
  9. How do u want ur boyfriend to act around girls?
  10. How do u want ur boyfriend around u?

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