Who said this? Trollhunters season 1-3

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This quiz will test how well you really know Trollhunters. The quotes will be ranging from season 1 all the way to season 3. From main characters to minor characters

This will judge if you're a true fan of Trollhunters. As I sometimes say, you're not a true fan unless you know almost every word to it : ) (I may or may not know all the words to a few episodes)

Created by: Abby
  1. "Centuries later, it doesn't get any easier."
  2. "Hate gyre!"
  3. “The Killa-thingy Bridge? That’s like ancient history, right?”
  4. "I'm not leaving! Who's whistling?"
  5. “Run off? Where would I go? Some scary underground world? No, I’ve been here the whole time."
  6. "A Trollhunter never yields. I'd rather die."
  7. "A Trollhunter never yields. I'd rather die."
  8. "You've been on a diet for 14 years, Tobes."
  9. “Dig-oo-nified”
  10. "The old fool chose a human child to be his Trollhunter!”
  11. “Human feet have never sullied the ground of Trollmarket before. Who are these fleshbags?”
  12. "Juliet! Find your mark!"
  13. "Uh, Master Jim...found you..."
  14. “At their darkest hour, I burn brightest.”
  15. "You're the last person I want to talk to."
  16. "It's on fire?"
  17. “This is place is beyond…it’s beyond-beyond! I want to live down here. Can I live down here?”
  18. "They're dead! Our children are dead!"
  19. “My fearsome servant. You were always my champion. Stay true. Your devotion will be rewarded. Waver, and I will destroy you once and for all.”
  20. "I am ___, son of ___ and the amulet's rightful heir!"

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