who's your youtube boyfriend

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There are many smart people but do you think you know everything about some of our favourite boys? Well carry on going and you'll find out who you youtu e boyfriend is

Are you a fangirl desperate to find out who you perfects match is? Well until you finish reading then wonder some more. Take this amazing quiz and become instantly closer to one of these boys in a matter of 12 questions.

Created by: lily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is the most romantic
  2. Who has the saying q&slay
  3. Who pranked casper by sticking sticky notes and balloons on his walls.
  4. Who pranked casper by sticking sticky notes and balloons on his walls.
  5. what is alfie dayes gaming chanel called
  6. Finish the sentence. .. Q&
  7. Who has the best captain jack sparrow impression.
  8. Who was the first to say they were gay on youtube
  9. Who is know for being the best hugger.
  10. Who has 2 dogs chewy and wolf

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Quiz topic: Who's my youtube boyfriend