Who's your warrior cat love ?-

Ignore this DOvewing Bristlefrost Hawkwing Firestar Bluestar Thistleclaw Snowfur Spottedleaf Loinblaze Brambleclaw THunderstar Jake Tallstar Littlecloud

Ignore this please also Mothwing MIstyfoot THurshpelt Leafstar Shadowsight Spire Skyclan THunerclan Riverclan Shadowclan Dark Forest Windclan Starclan

Created by: Wind_Runner
  1. You bask in the calls of your warrior name, and look up at your father Oakstar . You notice some of the warriors sharing prey . Who do you eat with?
  2. The next day, you are on patrol with Leafpelt, Rushtooth, and, Raggedwind. The patrol splits up . Who do you hunt with?
  3. Whoever you chose , you end up with Rushtooth. His eyes are playful, and he tackles you. You guys end up playfighting, for a few minutes , before you have Rushtooth pinned. " Woah, your strong!" he says admiringly .
  4. A few moons later , badgers attack the camp . The battles fierce , and Raggedwind gets injured in the fight. Leafpelt wails asking the medicine-cat if Raggedwind will be alright.
  5. Its a moon later, and Raggedwind has a limp. You catch Lightningpelt looking at you. [ welcome to skip if you wanna]
  6. Its a quarter moon later , and Stormfang, asks you to hunt with him. you say "sure" when your far out enough he stops." I really like you " he blurts out. [if your tom and wanna skip go ahead]
  7. Your bored and wanna go on a walk. who do you invite?
  8. The badgers come back for revenge. A giant badger prepares to attack you, but Raggedwind throws herself in front of it , and side by side you two claw the badger until it retreats. " Thanks," you say . " No problem ." Raggedwind says.
  9. Leafpelt and you are sharing prey. Raggedwinds grooming Leafpelts fur. Then Stormfang comes over and says " Hey Y/N " he looks at Leafpelt smugly . Leafpelt glares at him. Raggedwind and Stormpelt go to the other edge of camp. you hear Raggedwind hissing "...if you do that one more time ill kill you for possibly ruining Leafpelts chances..."
  10. Who do you want to be your mate ?

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Quiz topic: Who's my warrior cat love ?-
