Who's your Popstar best friend

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Have you always wanted to be best friends with a Popstar but don't know who? Well you can find out here! What's your style of clothes? Does it match with any of the pop stars!

Find out through 12 questions including what your style is? When you want to die and what place you want to visit. Click that start button and you be on your way to a great QUIZ...

Created by: Isseybo of QuizIssey
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Style of clothes
  2. Type of Music
  3. Hair style
  4. Favourite Lyric
  5. Place you want to visit
  6. How long do want to live for
  7. How often do drive
  8. How healthy are you
  9. How long do you sleep for
  10. Favourite Sweets

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Quiz topic: Who's my Popstar best friend