Who's your perfect Hogwarts boyfriend?

Have you ever wondered who you would date if you went to Hogwarts? This quiz will help you find out just who your perfect Hogwarts boyfriend would be. (If you went to Hogwarts)

There are 10 people that you could get as your perfect boyfriend on this quiz. Are you ready to find out if your boyfriend is going to be the famous Harry Potter? The misterious Albus Dumbledore? Or will it be The dorky Neville Longbottom? If you are, then take this quiz. Thx!!

Created by: Potterhead 101
  1. how old are you?
  2. How do you want your relationship with your boyfriend to go/be?
  3. What colour hair should they have?
  4. What colour eyes should they have?
  5. What kind of person should your boyfriend be?
  6. What house should they be in?
  7. Height?
  8. Wieght?
  9. Blood purity?
  10. Lastly, who would you want? (This is worth a lot of points)

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Quiz topic: Who's my perfect Hogwarts boyfriend?
