who"s your jls guy?

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Lets be truthful who dosen"t like jls? (a weirdo). they"re cool, funny, great singers and all really, really, really FIT! it can be difficult to choose who you like best though so this quiz will do it for you!

so whose your inner favourite jls guy? dancing aston or maybe steaming hot marvin, you"ll find out instantly with my jls quiz. I hope you enjoy it and that your happy with the result.

Created by: mollie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you prefer a guy whose:
  2. which colour?
  3. which hairstyle?
  4. who do you want to get?
  5. which star sign do you like the best?
  6. what is your fav eye colour?
  7. fav animal?
  8. are you gettin bored?
  9. do you like ice-cream?
  10. will you rate my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who"s my jls guy?