Who's your Holy Emo Trinity Boyfriend?

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Created by: Koolest Kiddo Jr.

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. who did 9/11
  2. who is your favorite of the emo trinity
  3. whats ur fav album
  4. whats your favorite creature on rescreatu?
  5. if you could go to one place where u going
  6. otp?
  7. wats your favorite color
  8. what's your favorite character from attack on titan?
  9. rp time its a friday night, you just escaped shia lebouef, and you have a test coming up that you need to study 4 you.....
  10. what;s ur opinion on furries
  11. follow us on Instagram bc we are hilarious @subjectnightmare @falloutokay #spon

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Quiz topic: Who's my Holy Emo Trinity Boyfriend?