Who's your Harry Potter BFF

If you like Harry Potter this quiz is for you. is this quiz you will find out your Harry Potter BFF. The Harry Potter BFF could be anyone. I hope you like this quiz.

Are you ready to find out your Harry Potter BFF. Well if you are where about to start in a few minutes. I hope you like the quiz.have a nice quiz.once again I hope you have a nice quiz.

Created by: Julia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What house is your favorite?
  2. Who's your favorite teacher?
  3. Good or evil
  4. Smart or dumb
  5. Which would you want to be?
  6. What color is your hair?
  7. What's your favorite animal?
  8. Fat or skinny?Dog isSat
  9. Poor or rich?
  10. Do you have brothers and sisters

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Quiz topic: Who's my Harry Potter BFF