Who's your fictional boyfriend?

Do you wanna know who your fictional man is? Take this test, of course its not that much of a variety but just for fun take it. It can't possibly hurt you.

This test may be bad it may be great...it may be okay or horrible...i hope you honestly aren't a judgey person about this quiz but we all will get over it.

Created by: Jali
  1. If you had to go buy a weapon for your man before he went to battle what would it be?
  2. A person attacks you. What does your man do?
  3. Where does your first kiss happen?
  4. Your making out in your boyfriends room on his bed, how do you feel?
  5. Skin tight male t-shirts are on sale. They come in gold, blue, brown,black,and red. Since your man's b-day is coming up you decide to buy one in his fave color...what do you chose?
  6. You and your boyfriend break up, but why?
  7. You and ??? back together and have only been dating for 3 months and he proposes. Where and what do you say?
  8. Your injured in a severe car crash. What's your boyfriends reaction?
  9. Your shopping for a party dress. What does ??? suggest?
  10. How was this test?

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Quiz topic: Who's my fictional boyfriend?