Who's your fictional boyfriend?

This quiz is 153% accurate in determining who your fictional bf is! Complete it and your perfect beau-to-be will be revealed! From Flynn Rider to Jace Herondale...

This high-tech quiz is much more accurate than all the buzzfeed quizzes. We will find YOU the perfect man, and all you have to do is answer 10 simple questions!

Created by: Ayesha
  1. Summer or winter?
  2. Sunrise or sunset?
  3. Favourite subject at school?
  4. Favourite cuisine?
  5. Pick a musical artist?
  6. Perfect date?
  7. What would you wear?
  8. What do you want your bf to wear?
  9. What colour do you want his hair to be?
  10. Preferred height?

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Quiz topic: Who's my fictional boyfriend?
