Who's your apocalyptic lover?

Who is most likely to fall in love with you in the zombie apocalypse? All lovers are characters from the show The Walking dead. This quiz will show who's your zombie killing soulmate.

Blah blah boat I needed to put something here so... Jbjbhvbfhfgxfcgvhmhcrzwadvhimpminjvgcfcseasnimo,onjbuhggvfddewccggxzsghjunkmjggffdescfbhjmkkjhbggfdvhmkkmk

Created by: Susan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What if your weapon of choice?
  2. What do you define as a relationship?
  3. What's your plan?
  4. What's your favorite movie?
  5. What's your favorite food?
  6. Partner of choice?
  7. Favorite emoticon below
  8. Best way to kill a walker..?
  9. Best way of travel?
  10. What's the best show?

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Quiz topic: Who's my apocalyptic lover?