Who's ENCANTADIA SANG'RE/princess Are You?

Which Encantadia sang're are you? Are you Pirena, Amihan, Alena, Danaya, Lira or Mira. Find it out here in this quiz... This is really enjoyable... I really swear.,.. Come on take this quiz.,...

Are you fond of heat, wind, water or earth??? You can be one of the sang'res... Can be your favorite sang're can be you??? Lets get started to know who you are... Enjoy!!!

Created by: Cassiopiea

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What do you like most?
  3. What do you like the best?
  4. In which place in encantadia do you want to live?
  5. Which do you like the best?
  6. What do you like the most?
  7. Which of the following do you like the best?
  8. If your friend betray you what will you do if your friend ask for forgiveness?
  9. What do you choose?
  10. Do you know Cassiopiea?
  11. Guess my name:

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Quiz topic: Who's ENCANTADIA SANG'RE/princess am I?