who knows us best?!

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no, i mean yes maybe ahh idk lraa? we made a quiz and here you are doing it wow maybe you are reading this rigth away but sadly we will never knwo, we

we will loose all contact with each oother ghow fun is thsi i dont even knjw what i am sayong i love my typing byt here you go and congrats on yuor achivemtn.

Created by: amarla of quix
(your link here more info)
  1. how long have lraa and amielia been in a relatiopshih
  2. how is older
  3. who wheres the panites in the shih
  4. who doesnt like pickels
  5. what is ameliaie listening too
  6. what is lraaa lisetnign too
  7. what coulor is ameliagsr's hairrrr
  8. are you enojyoing this quizo
  9. what is your fave song from Mr wallece's banjo
  10. who is the meeme in trhe relatopihnso[
  11. who quotes vins
  12. who has glasses
  13. if u were paying attention like the show who desodo wear da panties
  14. who heard the gohst buerrrrp
  15. thats is the end

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