Do you REALLY KNOW Susan? Does SHE know, that YOU know her?!? Here is your chance to be #1!! Test your knowledge about your good friend or not-so-good friend and let her see how you rank. She will be glad you took the time to show her some expertness.

Have fun taking my quiz about your's truly! Questions from my high school days through college. Thanks for taking just a few minutes to find out how much Susan knowledge you actually possess.

Created by: Susan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my birthday?
  2. What is my dog's name?
  3. Where did I move after high school?
  4. How many brothers do I have?
  5. How many elementary schools did I attend?
  6. How many people do I live with?
  7. What kind of car do I drive?
  8. How many colleges have I attended to date?
  9. What is my middle name?
  10. What is my favorite store I like to shop in Atlanta?
  11. Who is my favorite college team?
  12. Which two sports did I play in high school?
  13. What is my major?
  14. Where do I plan to move in the Fall of '07?
  15. What do some of my family and friends call me as a "nickname"?
  16. Where did I work as my last job?
  17. Which country do I want to visit most?
  18. When will I graduate?

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