Who Knows Me the Most?

Let's see who really knows me.

Do you think you really know me?

Created by: zion
  1. Whos my favorite rapper?
  2. What's my favorite food?
  3. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  4. What's my favorite color?
  5. Who is my idol
  6. Whos my favorite basketball?
  7. What do I like to wear everyday when I go outside?
  8. What is one thing I wish will happen?
  9. What is my favorite car?
  10. How do I like my women?
  11. Whos my favorite 90s-2000s rapper?
  12. Whos my favorite singer?
  13. Wha grade did I start talking a lot.
  14. If I had one thing to do right now what it will be.
  15. What's my favorite snack?
  16. What's my favorite drink?

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