Who knows me the BEST???

I was just curious as to how many of my friend really knew me... So take a gander at my quiz! Have fun and don't take the results to seriously.... I mean some of us just aren't that observant! Don't feel bad if you don't do good, i will still love you!

Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!Have fun!!

Created by: Casey
  1. Not that I am not the prettiest thing to look at, but, you should know this... "What color is my eyes?"
  2. So, I go to MTSU...and if all goes well, I have a year and a half left to go! WOOT! But... "What is my major?"
  3. I don't have a HUGE family, but I'm certainly not an only child... "How many children BESIDES me is there in my immediate family(counting half-brothers or sisters)?
  4. Not that I don't love every wonderful color God created, but, I do have one absolute favorite... "What is my favorite color"?
  5. I !!LOVE!!! animals, but there is one I just simply cannot stand... "I love _____, but I hate _____!
  6. Hopefully one day, God will bless me with children. And though I will be happy with however many I have, I have always had a prime number in mind... "How many kids do I want to have?"
  7. I love men! lol... But, there is one specific hair color on men that makes me weak in the knees... "What hair color do I most like on men?"
  8. I used to love watching sitcoms when I was younger... Though I don't watch TV anymore, which TV show will ALWAYS be my favorite?
  9. I used to love watching sitcoms when I was younger... Though I don't watch TV anymore, which TV show will ALWAYS be my favorite?
  10. There is only one thing I have always said I was pleased with about my body... "What is the only thing about my body that I was pleased with?"

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