who knows me better

this quiz is to tell me if you are dumb or smart ( you are probly dumb) 2152465189724587165r4124625264356152634362546213626452654265165341725381723564

this quiz is to tell me if you know me or not unicorns21111111111112this quiz is to tell me if you know me or not 22222222this quiz is to tell me if you know me or not 3333333333this quiz is to tell me if you know me or not 44444444444444444

Created by: abbie
  1. how old am i
  2. what was my first horse
  3. did i get brandi for my birthday
  4. when did i start riding
  5. what year was i born in
  6. what was my fav animal before the horse
  7. what is my fav color horse
  8. when did i get brandi
  9. what is my fav color
  10. who do u think know me better

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