who is your uchiha husband

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don't you like uchiha's tobirama: no! I wasn't talking to you tobirama anyways here is your chance to see who you would date will it be ya homeboy Sasuke who thinks he's I'm the hood but he's not or itachi

I like uchihaas tobirama doesn't tho I can see why they may be mean ruthless and have no heart Itachi isn't that tho he seems so nice and madara we have long ways to go

Created by: Sakurauzumaki of uchiha men
(your link here more info)
  1. what uchiha do you like?
  2. what is your charka nature?
  3. what do you like about uchiha's
  4. itachi or sasuke
  5. Sasuke asks you "i need you for in an important mission will you come with me" what will you do
  6. are you friends with sakura?
  7. are you friends with naruto?
  8. if you were in the room with Itachi what would you do
  9. why do you like uchiha?
  10. what village are you from
  11. how did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who is my uchiha husband
