Who is your Twilight Boyfriend?

So who is your guy??? Sam - a older guy that is quite hot? Edward - a passionate sexy amazing romantic stud? Jacob - a young fuhn bouncy person? Or Mike -a romantic ok person?

Are you worthy of any of these there is only one way to find out take the quiz to see who is your guy maybe you'll make bella jealous or jessica lets see

Created by: Kelsey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your ideal date would be.....
  2. You like your guys ....
  3. You would like to be with a guy who is .....
  4. If you were seconds away from death who would you want to come save you
  5. Out of the following who would your best friend be....
  6. Alice is....
  7. How do you feel about vampires?
  8. Bella loves ...
  9. You would describe yourself as ...
  10. Who would you like to be your guy?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Twilight Boyfriend?