Who is your soulmate (Hogwarts Edition)

Hey, ever wonder who YOUR Hogwarts soulmate is.. ooo then take this quiz btw this quiz only has boys as the result fyi- omgosh I have to write moremansbdfnakjshb


Created by: no
  1. What is your Hogwarts House?
  2. What is your zodiac sign?*I can only put 7, so if your sign isn't here, click none of the above and move onto the next question*
  3. What is your zodiac sign?*I can only put 7, so if your sign isn't here, click none of the above and move onto the next question*
  4. How do you cope with stress?
  5. What makes you so stressed?
  6. What is the thing you value most in a person?
  7. What class would you like most?
  8. Which spell would you do on someone you really despise?
  9. What would your blood status be?
  10. Pov- You and your friend had gotten into an argument and they "accidentally" spill one of your biggest secrets, how do you react?

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Quiz topic: Who is my soulmate (Hogwarts Edition)

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