Who is your PJO + HOO Greek Godly parent

Hi this is a quiz that will tell you your Greek God parent from Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus. Hope you like it cuz it's my first quiz.😀😀😀😀😀

Check out some of my other quizzes soon cuz they'll be great. I promise. If you are a fellow pjo , hoo or hunger games can you'll love my quizzes.😀😀

Created by: Demigod Mockingjay
  1. How would you describe your self?(BE HONEST!!!)
  2. What is your weapon?
  3. Choose an animal.
  4. Who's your fav demigod?
  5. Who do you want to get?
  6. Who is your pjo or hoo crush?
  7. Hair colour?
  8. Eye colour
  9. Who is your best friend?
  10. Finally did you like this quiz?(doesn't affect your score)

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Quiz topic: Who is my PJO + HOO Greek Godly parent
