Who is your perfect match Cody Simpson or Justin Bieber | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Who is your perfect match Cody Simpson or Justin Bieber.

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  • Your Result: Justin Bieber

    You are a Belieber!!!! You are compatible with Justin because of your personality. You care a lot about the people who love and care for you. You Never Say Never you will always go for what you believe in. You are one of those popular kids who love their looks. Sports aren't your main priority but you still make time for them. Congratulations for being a Belieber!!!!!

    Hey r u my cuz because she seems kinda lik u I'll ask u or her I'm confused lol good quiz

  • Yeah Cody Simpson yay i knew i would get that

  • i hate jb but i love him at the same time.. but CODY SIMPSON IS MY NUMBER 1!! HES THE CUTEST MALE HUMAN IN THIS WORLD!! but to bad i got justin bieber :l


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