Who is Your MCR Boyfriend (Gender Neutral)

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Hi,Killjoys from Battery City! If you've got your boots tight, and your mask on (not a Covid 19 mask) than you're ready to take the Who's You're My Chemical Romance Boyfriend Quiz!

This quiz is gender neutral so anyone who's anyone can take this quiz. Enjoy!(Note: this is just for fun, please don't take any offense! And please don't cheat, be honest!)

Created by: Selenkaway
  1. The first question! If you could play a musical instrument, what would it be?
  2. If you two were to go on a date, where would you go?
  3. Out of these songs, which would you choose? (I chose these out, they have nothing to do with the boys, but will effect your score)
  4. If you could see MCR on tour (sad sigh) what would your reaction be?
  5. Who do you want to get?
  6. Roleplay time! If one of the members were standing in your living room, how would you react?
  7. K, rolepay time is over. What one of these songs would you sing in the shower
  8. Srry, must ask again, who do you want? (Open up your heart)
  9. If you were with the killjoys the night they died, what order would you have died?
  10. Last question, who do you really, really, really, want?

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Quiz topic: Who is my MCR Boyfriend (Gender Neutral)
