Who is your KotLC boyfriend?

This is a quiz to find out your Keeper of the Lost Cities boyfriend! In this quiz i will ask you simple questions like your favorite color, your favorite ships, and more!

Have fun taking this quiz! Will you get Keefe, the troublemaker, or Fitz, the "Wonderboy". Will you get Dex, the creative Technopath, or Tam, the protective Shade. Find out here!

Created by: Clementine
  1. Which of these colors is your favorite?
  2. Which ability would you want him to have?
  3. Who do you ship with Sophie?
  4. Where would you attend school?
  5. Who is your favorite female character?
  6. Who is your least favorite female character?
  7. Who is your favorite ship?
  8. Who do you want to be Sophie's biological father?
  9. Who do YOU want to be your KotLC boyfriend?
  10. Who do you NOT want to get as your KotLC boyfriend?

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Quiz topic: Who is my KotLC boyfriend?
