Who is your inner Pilgrim?

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We had to read the Canterbury Tales as an assignment for class, and were instructed to create a quiz and have some fun with it. So we chose characters and made a quiz to see you who relate most to!

Ever read a story and wonder if you more like the main character or the evil guy? Well have fun with this quiz and see which Pilgrim from Canterbury Tales suits you best!

Created by: Bailey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which best describes you?
  2. You have a tendency to..
  3. Do you consider yourself a polite and mild tempered person?
  4. Friends would say you are boy/girl crazy.
  5. Do you spend a lot of time worrying how you look, and try to impress people?
  6. Some would say you of "OCD" or perfectionist tendencies.
  7. Your friends tend to lean on you for love advice?
  8. You find happiness in..
  9. Which would you like to be labeled as?
  10. What matters most to you in a person?

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Quiz topic: Who is my inner Pilgrim?