Who is your Homestuck Character?

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Homestuck fan? Welcome to the Homestuck quiz! :D Though there are also trolls in to Homestuck series, this quiz only includes the 4 HUMANS. Sorry for the troll lovers. :l [ THERE ARE NO SPOILERS INCLUDED! ]

In this quiz, you can see who your Homestuck character would be if you were one of them. The answers you could get are Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Rose Lalonde, and John Egbert.

Created by: Rin cx
  1. If you were stuck in the middle of a giant fire, you would..
  2. You know you're going to be the hero of the world on da--METEORR!
  3. oh lookie, a piece of bread. But there's a hungry child..
  4. *Sudden change of questions* What is your favorite color?
  5. Hi Kaet! Hi Muhr! Hi Katty! Hi Me! :D
  6. Sorry for the disruption.-- You suddenly see a rainbow in the sky.
  7. How to you draw?
  8. If you were to die for the world, would you do it?
  9. Favorite type of music?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Homestuck Character?