Who is your Harry Potter character?

This quiz tells you your most suited character from the Harry Potter movie and books. I hope you enjoy this quiz very much. I hope you like your character as well.

All you have to do is select the answer that most assembles you. In the end all the points will be added up and the result shown. 😜😜😜😜😄😄😄😄🤪🤪🤪🤪

Created by: Amaya Gallen
  1. Which smell attracts you most?
  2. Who is your favourite character?
  3. Which Hogwarts class would you most like to attend?
  4. What is your favourite colour?
  5. What is your favourite animal?
  6. Which nightmare would scare you most?
  7. Where would you first visit in hogsmeade?
  8. What is your least liked food?
  9. Which character do you most dislike?
  10. Which professor is your least favourite?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Harry Potter character?
