Who is your Godly parent?? Got any ideas??? Please answer as truthfully as you can to get the best the results for you. :). YAYYYY!

So...a child of the Greek gods of myth? SOUNDS FUN. I hope this quiz is fun and it is an accurate quiz. Good luck. And thanks. :)

Created by: FUN
  1. How ADHD are you from 1 to 5????
  2. At school in group work, you are normally..?
  3. Choose one.
  4. What do you think of death?
  5. Subjects your best in at school??
  6. Least favourite subject at school?
  7. Out of these options what's something that annoys you most?
  8. Are you often pinned as a trouble maker?
  9. You see a big spider in the corner of your room what do you do?
  10. Are you competitive?

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Quiz topic: WHO IS my GODLY PARENT???