Who is your friend in my magical world

Idk just messing around at 11pm. Heheheheheheheheheheheehehhduxdjmxkdjsjdbdidieiejdbdbdbddbdbbeejjehihihihihihihijijprpkrbdhdhshvsvshdhdhwvevsvshhdhdhdjj

This is really weird so if you are a normal and popular this may not be for you Goodluck and meet some coolish characters I made up on the spot………..

Created by: Man man
  1. You like rap or is pop your thing?
  2. How would you describe yourself
  3. Best animal of the following
  4. Cars or bikes
  5. Best song
  6. Best world leader
  7. Ok
  8. You are forced to do one of the following or else you would be sacrificed, which do you choose?
  9. Best character in Phineas and Ferb
  10. Which county do you wanna visit

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Quiz topic: Who is my friend in my magical world

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