Who is your fictional boyfriend?

Fictional characters are all over the world in today's present day society. Who do you think yours will be? Augustus Waters? The Winchester Boys? A Special Boy from the Hunger Games? Let's find out who yours is!

Fictional Characters are all over the world in today's present day society. Who do you think yours will be? Augustus Waters? The Winchester Boys? A Special Boy from the Hunger Games? Let's find out who your fictional boyfriend is!

Created by: Natalie Tomlinson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you consider yourself?
  2. You and a friend were promised something near and dear to your heart, but it was all thrown away. What do you do?
  3. Do you believe that monsters are real? (Suck as aliens, werewolves, and supernatural beings like mind - readers)
  4. If you have or had a lover, were you always trying to "one up" each other's passion for love for each other?
  5. Career?
  6. What would you wear on a first date?
  7. What do you find this most attractive in a guy?
  8. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  9. Which would you rather be?
  10. If you see or read something, do you often become so obsessed with what it was that you had to research it?
  11. Is fighting the answer in your opinion?
  12. (If you're a girl) Do you want your fictional boyfriend to be somebody that you read in a book? Like Finnik from the Hunger Games Trilogy?

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Quiz topic: Who is my fictional boyfriend?