Who Is Your Boyfriend From HoO? * longish results!*

there are many dudes from Heroes of Olympus, but there a few who have caught my attention. few that are great. few that are so amaZHANG that they are so talented, that even their names are cool and strike conversations at the cool kids table in the cafeteria.

can you get the attention of theses few amaZHANG men? well, can you?that's what this is for. also, don't blame me if you get the wrong dude that you have been hoping for your entire life, this is my first quiz.

Created by: Leo Valdez's wife
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your..... WEAPON?
  2. who is your godly parent?
  3. what is your fav color?
  4. who do you like?
  5. do not kill me, but which one is your favorite book?
  6. do you like pie
  7. do u like this quiz?
  8. need more q's
  9. need more q's
  10. choose your intials

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Quiz topic: Who Is my Boyfriend From HoO? * longish results!*