Who is your avenger soulmate?

This quiz might be accurate idrk. Hope you have fun tho. This quiz will to the best of its ability determine your avenger soulmate. From Iron man to loki. I know loki isnt an avenger but everbody loves him right.

Possible outcomes, Loki, Iron man, Captain America, Spiderman and Thor hope you enjoy this quiz and be sure rate it whether you liked it or not!! have funnnnn :]

Created by: Grace
  1. what is your favourite colour?
  2. Ideal first date?
  3. Does it matter if nothing happens on the date {kissing etc.}
  4. What was/is your favourite school subject?
  5. Who is your favourite girl Marvel character
  6. Age?
  7. Favourite male avenger?
  8. Favourite avenger film?
  9. Blonde or Brunette guys?
  10. How would you like to gain powers?

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Quiz topic: Who is my avenger soulmate?
