Who is your 02L match? ?

There are many smart people, buy few geniuses. Afterall if you take this quiz you know your doing something rite. What is an 02l fan. An 02l fan is someone who can't. Wait tell they make videos someone who tweets about them someone who truly cares.

Are you a true 02l fan? Do you have what it takes to take the quiz. Which our second life boy is for you? So many questions thanks to this wonderful quiz they will all be answered.

Created by: trevor moran
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like Atizonas
  2. Do you like to sing
  3. Do you like animals
  4. What I do when board
  5. Fate
  6. Friends
  7. Favorite member
  8. Idea of date
  9. Destiny
  10. RANDOM

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Quiz topic: Who is my 02L match? ?