Who is you warrior mate*my cats*

Ummmm I have to do this or I can’t publish it so yeah....uhhhhh.......Hi............Thank you for taking my quiz and errr.........the cats u can get are SweetCall,MouseTail,GentleWhisker and LeafFoot

I just want to say thanks for taking my quiz and I was going to do a billion full stops but it said to much repeated words so I just need to chat and I’m really bored ;-; so yeah

Created by: SpottedFeather
  1. What do you look for in a mate
  2. What’s you mates pelt?
  3. What’s your mates prefix
  4. Whats your mate suffix
  5. Mate’s eye colour?
  6. Roleplay time!A rouge has entered deep inside your territory what do you do?
  7. What would you do if your mate chose anoher cat over you?
  8. Whats the worst charecter trait your mate has?
  9. What is your name?(which name would you rather)
  10. Last question!Did you like mah quiz

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