who is you perfect match

there can be alot of people who think they can figure out how is the best for someone like eharmony and all that jazz lol this is kinda like it but is is better

do you want to find that perfect match cuz i do to.you think you can find them with this quzie then do it. it is fun on a bun lol and i like monkeys lol

Created by: mercedes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your fave color
  2. what is your fave music
  3. a cute rocker,a cute nerd,and a sensitive emo see you at the mall they come up to you one at a time and ask for your number you only give it to the.....
  4. you dont give your number to any of them. you invite them to sit with you and your friends at a table. there is one seat by each of you and your friends. which guy do you want to make it to the seat next to you
  5. the guys tell you their names. the rockers name is mike. the emos name is zack and the cute nerds name is kevin. you notice they each keep staring at you. you think
  6. whats your fave thing to do
  7. you get hungery you see some cookies you then....
  8. you get mad at your mom for making you do chores you....
  9. your friends are doing something illegal you....
  10. whats your hair color

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