who is you dream smp soulmate

ok this is my first time doing this soooooo sorry if is bad or unacurite I tried my best hope you enjoy:D Have fun and i need to type 150 figures sooo.

this quiz will ask you a few quistions about yourself and the smp and it is kinda short,it wont take long.Oh and plz anser honistly.sorry for bad grammar :3

Created by: Isabelle
  1. Do you create or stay out of caos?
  2. are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  3. what is your dream date?
  4. what is you favourite food?
  5. what is your favourite day?
  6. what was you favourite dream smp event?
  7. almost done:if you were maried where would you go?
  8. who do you want your anser to be?
  9. idk what to put here HELP:1:what do you like doing the most?
  10. last quistion: what do you want to do first?

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